Nurse Researchers Society for Innovations

It was in 1985 when Ms. Uma Handa Founder Secretary and initiator of Nursing Research Society of India was invited by perinatology Association of India to present a research paper on temperature regulation of newborn babies from 0-3 hours in Mumbai. Inspired by the decision of perinatology association to send the recommendations of the research study conducted by Ms. Uma Handa to all the maternity homes in India for implementation, she thought of initiating a professional body for the promotion of nursing research in India.

While travelling back from Mumbai after presentation of research study she shared the thought with Dr. Inderjit Walia, (then faculty, college of nursing PGI Chandigarh) who was also travelling with her. Both of them then decided to discuss the formation of the Nursing Research Society of India with more stake holders / nurse scientists / nurse leaders. It was then the first meeting to discuss the formation of Nursing Research Society of India took place at Chandigarh in 1985 among the five leaders of nursing i.e. Dr. Inderjit Walia, Ms. Uma Handa, Ms Kanta Sanger, Ms. Prem Mehra and Ms. Saramma Samual

Thus the conception of the society took place in the train, it was born in Chandigarh and birth registration was done at Delhi. These six nurse scientists initially contributed Rs. 100 each to initiate the work of the society. They were self-nominated office bearers of NRSI initially.

The formation of nursing research society of India was also supported by eminent leaders of nursing namely Dr. S. Krishnan, Dr. Aparna Bhaduri, Dr. Margret Dean, Dr. Sally Bish (then Nursing Advisor -WHO) Dr. Barbara Wade (then dean, Royal College of Nursing, London), Ms. Ruth Mary Harner, (U.S.A.) Ms. Swan (WHO) Ms. Lesley Duff (RCN, U.K.), Mr. Sood (Legal Advisor) (who helped in getting the society registered on his own expense), Ms. Raj Kumari Sood (Nursing Advisor – MOH &FW) Ms. Bandana Bhattarcharya and many other nurse leaders. Since then society grew and at present we have about 1700 members