The Nursing Research Society of India was established in May, 1986 to promote research within and around nursing environment. It is registered under the societies Act XXI of 1960 with Registrar of Societies Delhi Administration (Certificate No. S/18421 dated 2nd December, 1987).

A. Name of the society shall be "Nursing Research Society of India" briefly known as N.R.S.I.

B. Aims and Objectives: The aims and objectives for which the society is established are as under:

C. Aims and objectives:

  • Support the development of nursing research activities in Universities and health care institutions to provide nursing care standards

  • Provide a platform to nurse scientists to exchange views on nursing research

  • Disseminate nursing research findings for utilization in the field of health and family welfare

  • Promote and sponsor scientific meets, seminars and conferences to advance nursing research

  • Create public interest in the contribution of nursing in promotive, preventive and restorative activities contributing to health and family welfare

  • Establish a Nursing Research Journal of India and bring out other documents pertaining to innovations in nursing.

D. Properties of the Society

“All the incomes, earnings, movable or immovable properties of the society shall be solely utilized and applied towards the promotion of its aims and objectives only as set forth in the memorandum of the Society and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividends, bonus, profits or in any manner whatsoever, to the present and past members of the society or to any person claiming through any one or more of the present shall have any personal claim on any movable or immovable properties of the society or make any profits, whatsoever, by virtue of this membership.”

E. Governing Body:

The names, addresses, occupations and designations of the present members of the Society is entrusted as required under Section 2 of the Societies Registration Act, 1860, as applicable to the U.T. Delhi are President, Vice President, Secretary, Jt. Secretary, Treasurer and Editor.

F. Desirous Persons:

Ten members, desirous to form the Society applied under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 as applicable to the U.T. of Delhi.

Name of the Society:


Membership defined:

Membership will be of the following categories:

  • . Founder members,
  • . Life members,
  • . Annual members and
  • . Associate members.

Admission and Qualification of the Members :


An individual applying to the Society for membership shall be duly proposed and seconded, by a Founder or full member. Such membership shall be finally approved by the Governing Body.


Founder Members :

Research scholar in Nursing who originated the society Membership fees of Rs.100/- Life Membership Rs.750/-

Life Members:

Nurse scientists, life membership fee Rs 1500 (revised 2004)

Annual members:

Scientists, medical and social scientists interested in advancement of nursing science. Life membership fees - Rs. 750/-

Associate Members :

All registered Nurses and associate Professionals related with nursing. Any of the founder, annual or associate member can become life member by paying a subscription of Rs. 750/-. (All members to pay Rs. 25/- at the time of enrolment)

Cessation of Membership

Membership of Society shall cease when

  1. The member submits resignation to the Governing Body .
  2. The member fails to pay the subscription.
  3. The member is proved indulging in undesirable activities unethical to nursing profession. He/She shall be served notice of three months, informing of action proposed to be taken. He/She is given the opportunity to present case before executive committee of the Governing Body. Not less than two third of the executive members present can resolve to terminate membership and this action to be confirmed by the general body meeting by majority members present.

Rights and Privileges of the members

Founder, Life member shall be entitled to:

  1. Participate in all activities of the Society
  2. Contest elections
  3. Have a right to vote.
  4. Receive the journal and other documents published by the Society.

Annual members in arrears shall be disqualified to vote, contest elections or hold office; such members will not attend general body meeting or any other business meetings. Associate members shall be entitled to participate in all activities of the society. However, they shall not be entitled to vote and contest elections or receive journals.

General Body

  1. General Body consists of Founder and Life members.
  2. Powers, duties and functions of the General Body are as follows
  3. Power to hold elections and vote.
  4. Amendment in Rules & Regulations shall be by 3/5 of members.
  5. Any member desirous of moving a resolution at the time of General Body Meeting shall intimate the text duly proposed and seconded to the Secretary 2 months before the date of General Body Meeting. The Secretary shall include this in agenda.
  6. The time and place shall be decided for holding meeting & conference (not more than two years should lapse between two annual meetings)
  7. Two third majority of the General Body confirms the termination of membership
  8. Quorum of the General Body meeting shall be one fifth members.
  9. Notice of the meeting shall be 30 days
  10. General Body meeting shall be held once in a year.

Governing/Managing/Executive Committee

> Governing Body consists of members who shall take care of day to day functions of the Society to achieve its aims and objects.
> Governing Body would consist of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Joint Secretary, Treasurer, Editor, Elected regional representatives(president), immediate past president and the secretary.
> Minimum and Maximum strength of Governing Body would be 7 and 15 respectively.
> Mode and Frequency of election: Election would be held every four years in the general body meeting. Term of office of the Governing Body shall be four years.

Power/duties/functions of the General Body:
Shall meet at least once a year.
> Shall be able to spend 2/3 of the money in hand on various activities of the society but must get it approved during the following General Body Meeting.
> Quorum and notice of the meeting; One fifth members will make a Quorum.
> Filling up of the casual vacancies: Vacancies occurring by resignation or otherwise during middle of the term or before General Body meeting shall be filled on ad-hoc basis by the Governing Body.

Power and duties of the office bearers:
> The President shall preside over at the General Body and Executive Committee meetings.
> President shall see to it that constitution of the society is adhered to.
> Has right to attend any committee meeting of the society.
> Can spend Rs.500/- month on her/his discretion(subject to revision from time to time).
> Sign cheques and other negotiable instruments, jointly with Treasurer or Secretary

Vice President:

> Performs all duties of the President in his/her absence

Secretary :

> is the principal executive officer of the society.
> Call meeting and keep minutes of all meetings (General Body and Executive)
> Spend money within limits laid down by General body Members and Executive members.
> Shall be in constant touch with the president and act in accordance with his/her advice and instructions.
> Can spend Rs.500/- month on his/her discretion (subject to revision from time to time).
> Sign cheques and other negotiable instruments jointly with either president or Treasurer.

Joint Secretary:

> Shall assist the Secretary in all activities.
> Perform all duties of the Secretary in his/her absence.


> Keep accounts of the society.
> Present annual audited accounts for the previous year to the members of the society during meetings.
> Present budget for the next year.
> His/Her work may be deputed to any other member of the society by President in his/her absence due to illness/visit aboard /resignation.
> Sign cheques and other negotiable instruments jointly with Secretary in absence of President.


> Help publish periodicals for the society.


> Formation
> Composition
> Duties.

Sources of Income

Membership fees
Income generated through publications, advertisements etc.
Funds from related agencies for specific purposes.

Utilization of funds

President & Secretary shall be entitled to spend Rs.500/- p.m. at their discretion(this is subject to revision from time to time).
Annual budget would be presented in General Body Meeting in the beginning of the financial year

Audit of Accounts

Accounts would be audited every financial year.
Operation of Bank Account
Annual list of Governing Body /Managing Committee (Section 4 of Act)


News Letter / Journal

Dissolution & adjustment of affairs

Dissolution and adjustment of affairs of the society which need to be dissolved shall be dissolved as per provisions laid down under Sections 13 and 14 of the Societies Registration Act, 1980 as applicable to the Union Territory of Delhi.

"Certificated that this is the correct copy of the Rules and Regulations of the Society. We affirm that all provisions under all sections of the Societies Registration Act, 1860 as applicable to U.T. of Delhi shall apply to this Society.”

Resolutions passed in General Body Meeting of NRSI held at Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Bangalore on 29th October 2010

a) Subscription Fee of Journal of Nursing Research
That the constitution mentions about the publication of the journal of NRSI but it does not mention about the amount/ annual subscription fee by the members because the journal of nursing research was not published at that time. Therefore the statement has to be modified and stated as follows:

Where as constitution mentions about the publication of journal by NRSI, the members have to pay subscription fee for the journal as decided by the society from time to time as the journal was not published at the time of framing of the constitution.

This was approved and accepted by general body members of NRSI

b) Expansion of zonal representation
It was mentioned by then President NRSI that it would be necessary to expand the representation in various zones. This can help nurse scientists in innovations and create more fellowships, increase membership and strengthen the research. It will also give an opportunity to organize zonal and, state level workshops and large no. of nursing professionals will be able to present their research papers. So A resolution needs to be passed by general body related to expansion in terms of following:

  • Whereas, the executive committee/ Governing body consisted of President, Vice President, Secretary, Joint Secretary, Treasurer, Editor, four board and four zonal members A post of honorary joint editor be created as the journal of NRSI has been launched in the year 2007. Which is published bi-annually.
  • Since the society has grown with more than 1000 members we need to expand the governing body by expanding and renaming the zonal office bearers with regional President, regional Secretary and regional Treasurer in the four regions of the country
The states can be divided into four regions East, West, North and South
  • North Region:Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Delhi, Haryana, Uttaranchal, U.P.
  • East Region:Jharkhand, West Bengal, Orissa, Bihar, Tripura, Manipur, Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh
  • West Region: Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Goa
  • South Region:Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Pondichery,
Each region will be represented by President, Secretary and Treasure which will be elected representatives of the regions. Initially these representatives will be nominated on voluntary basis. The proposal and resolution was approved by the general body.

  • The life members of the NRSI can establish regional branches / zonal branches with in the frame work of the memorandum of association of the Nursing Research Society of India.

  • Regional branches can be formed by the members of more than one state/union territory.

  • Regional branches will have the Jurisdiction of selected states as decided by the General Body Members of NRSI in General Body Meeting held on 29th October 2010 at Bangalore.

  • The Regional branches shall promote the aims and objectives of the NRSI as enunciated in the memorandum of association.

  • Once a Regional branches is established, the governing body must be formally approached by its office bearers to seek official recognition.

  • The executive body of regional / zonal branches will consists of President, Vice President, Secretary, Joint Secretary and Treasurer.

  • All members of the Regional/ zonal branches are the members of the central NRSI.

  • The Regional branches shall function within the rules and regulations of the NRSI.

  • ‘Finances’: Each branch shall open a bank account with the approval of central NRSI. All branches may raise funds by way of advertisement, registration fee for program permissible under the ethical code for their activities.

  • The Regional branches can appoint or elect their office bearers on the lines of NRSI.

  • Initially all the office bearers will be elected by nomination. Later the rules of election as followed by central NRSI will be followed by regional branches.

  • The Regional branches shall submit annual report of their activities, the list of members and an annual audited statement of accounts to the Executive body of NRSI every year.

  • The general body of the NRSI shall be the final arbitrator of any dispute between the Regional branches and the NRSI. The decision of the general body shall be final and binding. The directive principles guiding the activities of the Regional branches shall be communicated by the President / Secretary NRSI from time to time.


Every member of NRSI will be listed in National NRSI Membership list and also regional / zonal list. The membership list shall be updated every year. The Regional branches will prepare the membership list of their region and send to NRSI after verification.


The regional branches will conduct elections as per NRSI guidelines as detailed below:Following office bearers will be elected by general body after every four year fora period of four years:

  • President

  • Vice-President

  • Secretary

  • Joint Secretary

  • Treasurer

  • Editor

  • Joint-editor

  • Four members (one each from 4 regional branches) nominated by President NRSI.*

*The members of governing body of NRSI will be the presidents of respective regional f zonal branches.

All members of society will be eligible to seek election and to propose / second the nomination of candidates and to vote. A society member can seek election for only one of the posts in the governing body. For conducting the elections, returning officer will be nominated by the executive in executive meeting. The Secretary in consultation with the President and the returning officer will finalize the election schedule. The returning officer will send notices seeking nominations to the above posts to all the members. A notice of minimum 30 days shall be given for receiving nomination papers.

For seeking election to any of the above posts, following procedure will be adopted: Any member, who has any complaint regarding the election, shall give the same in writing addressed to the election returning officer within 21 days of the declaration of results. A committee nominated by the executive board shall go into the complaints and the decision of the committee shall be final;

Election Procedure:

The regional branches will conduct elections as per NRSI guidelines as detailed below:Following office bearers will be elected by general body after every four year fora period of four years:

  • President

  • The candidates shall file their signed nomination and send to returning officer.

  • Returning officer will scrutinize the nominations.

  • Returning officer will declare the list of nominations received and eligible candidates for election and the withdrawals etc.

  • Send the final list of nominated candidates

  • Fix the date of withdrawal of nominations.

  • Fix the date of election.

  • Inform the candidates about the dates of election and the date and time of counting of votes in the presence of candidates.

  • Arrange to provide the ballot paper to eligible candidates during annual general body meeting.

  • Conduct the election as per procedure.

  • Count the votes in presence of candidates.

  • Declare the results.

  • Intimate the results to the candidates during general body meeting.